Full Fire Risk

Firesafe Assessment Ltd
IFE approved fire risk assessor
What is a risk assessment?
It is a careful analysis of any potential risks or hazards that could be harmful to others within your premises. The law not only requires you to assess and identify the risk, or the people at risk, but you are also responsible for reducing, or where possible removing, those risks; either by removing them or dealing with them by taking the appropriate action.
Every fire risk assessment includes an easy to follow action plan with recommendations to either reduce or remove any identified hazards within your premises.
Do not wait until it is too late before you do something. Whatever size of your business, our team of Glasgow based fire risk assessors are flexible to meet your needs. Get in touch today and let us help you keep Firesafe.
- Protect your business
- Protect your employees
- Protect your customers
- Protect your legal status
Firesafe Assessment Ltd is a member of the following institutions:

Alternatively, you can email enquiries@firesafeassessment.co.uk.
Commercial Property Purchases Fire Risk Assessment
Staff Training - Price Per Person(Minimum 10 persons)